Cultivating Taste  

“They say that one of the best business plans you can have is to identify a product or a service that you passionately want, but that does not yet exist. The chances are that millions of people around the world will want it too, and your passion for whatever it is that you’re creating will ensure that you make something of high quality.

So it’s my firm belief that as game developers, we should trust our instincts, and cultivate our tastes. Whatever it is that you care about passionately, devote yourself to seeking out the best of it in the world, figure out what makes it good, and bring your discoveries to the games that you make.”

Capy Games, makers of Sword and Sworcery EP and their recent new arrival Super Time Force


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The art of storytelling

“Stories “are important cognitive events, for they encapsulate, into one compact package, information, knowledge, context and emotion.” A Whole New Mind Daniel Pink Last night, I participated in a Moth StorySLAM. The Moth is an acclaimed... Continue →